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Regeneration for your Skin






Regeneration for your Skin

Polynucleotides are an exciting innovative and exciting skin treatment that is available at Epione Aesthetics.
Skin cell regeneration can be achieved with a minimum of 3 sessions, 3-4 weeks apart and ongoing maintenance sessions, 1 session, 6 monthly.
Mature skin may require a 4th session.



I recently had a polynucleotide treatment at Epione and I’m blown away with the instantaneous results, I feel like I have life back in my face again and couldn’t be happier! I would recommend it to anyone considering this treatment, don’t hesitate.

Thank you Laurie!

What are Polynucleotides in Aesthetic Medicine?

Polynucleotides are ultra-purified and filtered, natural DNA fractions that work when injected into the skin by initiating your body’s natural fibroblast production, resulting in an increase in collagen and a thicker, happier, and healthier epidermis.

Polynucleotides are relatively new to the aesthetic market in the UK however they have been used successfully for the treatment of burns and wound healing since the 1970’s due to the fantastic, cell rejuvenation properties.

The polynucleotides are sourced from Salmon or trout DNA, more specifically the fish gonads. When the product is injected into the skin, they regenerate the cells of the aged skin to enhance the skin quality and appearance.

Who can Have Polynucleotide Treatments?

The answer is practically anyone can have this treatment.
The safety profile is excellent and allergies to the products have not been found due to the rigorous purification process.
This treatment is both preventative for younger skins but is also fabulous for aging skins that are lacking in elasticity and collagen.
Women in perimenopause or menopause can really benefit from this treatment as we lose elasticity and the skin can become thinner, dry and more uneven. With the restoration of fibroblasts, collagen, elastin synthesis and cell proliferation the skin appearance and quality will be improved. The skin tone will be more even due to melanogenesis inhibition.

In perimenopause and menopause it is also possible that there may be increased sensitivity, acne breakouts and irritation - this treatment will induce angiogenesis, offer an anti inflammatory effect and aid wound healing.

The treatment has also been proven to work well on sensitive skin types, people who have eczema or rosacea have also experienced great results with this treatment as it sooths and settles the skin, initiating hydration with the synthesis of the body’s own Hyaluronic acid.
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So, what are the benefits of Polynucleotides?

  • Minimises fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves skin quality and texture
  • Reduces pore size
  • Minimises darkness under eyes, improves hollowing and shadowing
  • Increases elasticity and Collegan
  • Improves sagging skin
  • Encourages the body to produce its own Hyulorinic acid increasing hydration
  • Improves pigmentation issues
  • Improves redness
  • Has anti-inflamatory properties
  • Can be used in the treatmentment of rosacea, acne and scarring
  • Improvement in hair thickness/hairloss
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What to expect when having this treatment

The skin will be cleansed and numbing cream will be applied to the area being treated.
The cream will be left on the skin for 20-30 minutes.
There will be multiple injections or a cannula maybe used.
The product can sting a little on administration however this is perfectly normal and the procedure can be taken at your own pace.
You can expect to have some downtime especially after treatment around the eyes and neck.
There will be some swelling, redness and some bruising is possible, so it is advised that treatment is not carried out before an important event and timing should be considered.
The treatment can be administed to any part of the body, popular areas are under eye and eye lids, face, neck, decolltage and hands. However arms and knees can also be treated.

You can expect to see improvement in fine lines, hollowing under eyes, improved skin tone and texture and the appearance of roscea, hyperpigmentation and scaring.
Results vary between patients but generally you can expect 6-9 months. Optimum results can be seen at 6 months following the 3 treatments.
A maintenance appointment would be due at 6 months and then one treatment required on the treated area every six months to maintain the results.

Possible Side Effects

Polynucleotides have an excellent safety profile but as with any injectable you can expect possible, swelling, redness, small bumps at the injection site. This will usually last for a few hours, if any bruising occurs particulary under the eye and the neck area this may take a little longer to go.
After treatment it is important not to touch the area for a minimum of 6 hours.
Makeup extra should not be applied for 24 hours.

Are all Polynucleotides products the same?

At Epione we offer a range of Polynuceotides to cater for everyone and offer patients alternatives with differeing levels of down time.
The active ingredient in the treatment varies between products and the rule of thumb is that with a higher concentration of polynucleatide the treatment maybe a little more uncomfortable and have potentailly more swelling and dowtime.
For example Lumi eye treatment contains 2mg of Polynuclotide, compared to Plinest eye 20mg and Plinest 40mg of active polynucleatides.

This can be discussed at consultation and a bespoke plan can be created for you to get the results for your individual needs.