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Cellular re.architecture




What are ExOsomes with amplex plus technology?

Amplex plus is a patented scientific technology that delivers high yield purified Exosomes and growth factors from organic bovine colostrum, harvested with an advanced purification system.

Colostrum is natures privileged milk and abundant in biologically active compounds. Humans have a long history of consuming bovine colostrum due to astounding health benefits.

Purasomes is a combination of 20 billion Exosomes in their purest form with 20 most potent growth factors.

Purasomes are capable of resetting cellular activity and enhancing cellular regeneration. Natural, powerful and safe.




Exosomes and purasomes are administered by microneedling into the skin with a pen device.

This encourages tighter, lifted, firmer, more youthful-looking skin, an improved skin barrier function, better overall hydration, pore reduction, and pigment control.

During the procedure, your practitioner will use the microneedling device to create tiny micro-injuries in the skin, which allows for the stem cell-derived exosomes to be delivered directly into the skin.

Applications include:

  • Pigmentation and dark spots
  • Sun damage
  • Skin laxity
  • Sagging skin
  • Dull, lifeless skin
  • Fine Lines & wrinkles
  • Scarring
  • Acne
  • Uneven texture or enlarged pores
  • Dermatitis e.g. eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Other inflammatory conditions eg;
  • Hair thinning/loss (male and female)

What are the Proven Benefits of Exosomes?

  • Active regulation of skin.
  • Active moisturising
  • Improved skin tone
  • Restoration of balance
  • Stimulation of cell growth
  • Cellular protection
  • Viscoelastic regeneration

What Can I Expect?

During the treatment a microneedling pen is used to create tiny punctures on the skin’s surface and a serum containing exosomes is applied to the treatment area to penetrate deep into the channels made by the microneedling.

Exosomes cannot absorb through the skin without the small punctures made by the microneedling pen, so the treatments must be done together.

After the procedure, you will be advised not to apply any products to your skin for 24 hours.

One of the primary benefits of micro needling with exosomes is that you will see immediate results. Right away, you may notice that your skin looks and feels firmer and more youthful. The microneedling and exosomes stimulate the skin’s natural healing process, which can result in a temporary plumping effect.

You may also notice a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduced pore size and improved skin tone and texture. The results typically become more evident in the weeks following the treatment as the skin produces new collagen and elastin.

The procedure can be slightly uncomfortable however it is not painful and there is minimal downtime.