07939 340 118

weight loss (NMWLP)

National Medical Weight Loss Programme.

National Medical Weight Loss Programme

Our practitioners are trained in the National Weightloss Management Programme and can offer bespoke treatment pathways for our patients in the management and maintenance of their weight. All products are licensed in the UK and FDA approved to assist with weight loss.

These medications mimic the action of the body’s natural hormone (GLP-1) which regulates appetite and food intake.
GLP-1 is released into the gut after eating and makes you feel full, hence your appetite is reduced. It also delays the time it takes for the stomach to empty, keeping you feeling full and satisfied for longer. This helps you maintain a calorie controlled diet of your choice.

Treatment is available for adults age 18-75 and with a BMI over 30 or a BMI over 27 with other weight related health conditions. The NMWLP uses prescribed medications and therefore you must complete a medical assessment to ensure it is safe to use.

If you are not in the specified BMI categories above, you should call us to discuss the options available to you.

What is our Daily Weight Management Pen?

Using our Daily Weight Management Pen introduces a medication into your system which is similar to a natural occurring hormone called GLP-1 that is released from the intestine after a meal. Our MWM Pen works by acting on receptors in the brain that control your appetite, causing you to feel fuller and less hungry. This may help you eat less food and reduce your body weight. This is administered via an ‘injection pen’ used daily which is pre-loaded, dosage measured pen making it simple to use.

This daily, self-administered injection is used for weight loss in addition to diet and exercise in adults aged 18 and above who have:
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measure of your weight in relation to your height.
  • BMI of 30 or greater (obese)
  • BMI of 27 and less than 30 (overweight) and weight-related health problems (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal levels of fats in the blood or breathing problems during sleep called ‘obstructive sleep apnoea’).

Pre-Treatment Consultation

If you are interested in receiving this treatment, then please complete the online consultation form which can be accessed by clicking the button below.

This form will ask you a series of questions to establish if you are eligible to receive this treatment as it is not for everyone due to certain medical conditions.

Once the form is completed, I will process this and be in touch to arrange a face to face consultation.